
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ben's pregnant!

Ha ha ok..he's not really. But if he peed on a stick it'd probably show positive! Ben started the HCG diet today...after a lot of research and making sure it was what he wanted. It'll be a bit weird for me to watch Ben shed the pounds as I am still gaining a few before this baby comes out..but I have never been more excited for him! He's struggled with his weight his whole life. He remembers being really heavy when he was 10 years old this will be a life changer for him and something I feel he'll really stick to! So..if you feel like watching his progress..he started a blog of his own! Click on Ben's Blog to check it out! Good luck babe!

As for me, my feet are looks gross..I have cankles...and I'm ready for Connor to be BORN! I love this baby...but I think I'll appreciate him a lot more when he's OUT! :-) Only a few more weeks left thank goodness! WAHOO!

I was SO excited to buy this pretty collar coat..til my husband told me it was a TREE skirt. As if! :-) Ha ha...
For those who do NOT comprehend my sense of humor..I really DID know it was a tree skirt. Ben was dying of embarrassment when I put this on in Target for my mom to take a picture. ha ha!

One last thing..I have officially stained the belly of THREE shirts since being prego. I just am not used to my belly catching my spills. Oops...


According to Ana said...

the belly get them now instead of the boobs.

Errin said...

way to go ben. i am on my round two of hcg starting tomorrow. so we can be tortured together!

Robyn said...

Wowza, no I haven't been checking into any more offers, I am still awaiting my check from Bullseye. :p I'm annoyed that you already got yours! But I am excited for you, will you send me the total for how much you spent and some of the offers, I don't want to cheat off you completely, but I wish that they let you see all the offers like Ideal does.

Only three shirts isn't bad. Every single one of mine was stained. haha! no wonder I don't have any maternity clothes left! well that and I'm cheap and didn't buy hardly any.

Good luck Ben, I am excited for you!

Beth Olsen said...

My in-laws have had wonderful success on the HCG diet, good luck Ben! It's so nice to feel good about yourself!

Kirst, my maternity clothes are ALL stained...stupid belly sticking out. :D I hope that I can make your shower for a short time on Saturday...We are doing Time Out for Women and it goes until 4:00, so I'm hoping that I can sneak away for a minute.

Christina said...

i'd never heard of this hcg diet until a week or so ago, and now all the sudden i keep hearing about it! must mean it works? good luck to him.

i like the tree scarf. very festive :)