
Thursday, April 9, 2009

A funny thing happened on the way to the mailbox...

Hi all!  This is Ben.  The funniest thing happened to me on the way to the mailbox the other day...

So on the street that we live, there are some young kids that roam the neighborhood.  They are only like 4 or 5 years old, and I don't know why any parent would let their kid that age run around free in the street unsupervised?!  (That's Utah for ya).  In an effort to fill my days with something to do, I started checking the mail everyday.  On my trips down the street, the little neighborhood hooligans say "Hi" to me everyday.  I hate talking to people I do not know, let alone annoying little kids that pop out from behind bushes just to say "Hi".  (Again, that's Utah for ya).

This last Tuesday, I was taking my daily jaunt to the mail box, just minding my own business, trying to ignore the annoying little kids playing in the yard, when the ring leader had to open his little trap:

Annoying little boy:  "Hi!"

Me:  "Hi"

Annoying little twit (same boy):  "My friend Garrett thinks you're fat!"

Me:  "WHAT!!!!"

Annoying little turd:  "My friend Garrett thinks you're fat!!!"

Me:  "Well at least I'm not ugly."

THAT'S RIGHT!!!  I called a 4 year old ugly!  I didn't really mean to say just kinda slipped out.  I suppose I could have said something worse.  But in my defense, the little kid was kinda ugly.  He resembled Dopey from Snow White, and throw on a horrified look on his got an ugly kid.  

The best part of it all, the little tattler's dad was in the garage across the street, heard his son call me fat, and called him home in the way only an embarrassed parent can.

But here's the deal...I can't go to the mailbox anymore.  I am scared.  WHY AM I SCARED OF A LITTLE KID!?  I was going to try to get the mail today, but I felt like throwing up.  I don't want to subject myself to the bully on 1250 West.  Just you wait Garrett!  I'll get you back!!! ....someday....  


Olive Tree said...
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Jeff Olsen said...

I bet he still wears diapers...just tell him that. Or that he wet the bed or something... hahaha

Shively's said...

I'm lauging so hard right now....Ben you should be a writer! Isn't it funny how little kids can make us feel so stupid sometimes? I hate walking past 12-14 year olds---uggg I get the same sick feeling, just waiting for them to say something. I can sit in a room alone with an inmate--no fear--but a 12 year old----uggggg!

Robyn said...

What a little nitwit!! I cut my hair and received this comment from the neighbor child "What happened to your hair?" ("I got a haircut)" "you look really funny."