this post will have no caps because i am typing one handed with the babe in my lap watching. it's one of those days. yep..the days that make the good days seem awesome. a day with short- if any-naps, diet coke, and cussing at the stupid drivers in c-town. but the perk of days like this is i find myself appreciating the small things. today connor was trying so hard to fall asleep. as i did yesterday, i tried bringing him in my room and laying down with him. he started out really mad but slowly gave into the idea. he's such a snuggler..and i hope he stays that way for a long time. he nuzzled into my chest and kept patting my arm with his hand. he made little sounds and sighs of contentment. at that moment i felt so much love for him it brought tears to my eyes. and a few of them even fell down my cheeks as i laid there holding my precious angel. moments like those remind me how amazingly lucky i am to be a mother-and how i never want to take it for granted. my favorite time of day is cuddle time with my little one, and the mornings when he lays in bed with us happy as can be. ben is such a fantastic daddy and i love seeing the adoration in his eyes when he looks at connor. these two guys are my greatest blessings and I thank heaven for them daily.also- i am loving school so far and am staying at least a week ahead of all my homework. it's so nice that in our home the tv is hardly ever on anymore. and our grass patch is looking great!
the past week i have been getting up when connor is up for his first feeding..around 7 and going for a walk.
i get to walk up the canyon which is super close...and it is sooo nice and beautiful. i took this pic with my phone:
aren't we lucky???
i'm so glad warm finally got a clue and came. but hot got here way ahead of schedule. oh well...i'm not complaining about the tanned skin, swimming pools and ice cream!
happy summer!
p.s. i'll be 25 in a week...yikes!
I love reading your blog! I feel the same way with my little man. It is the greatest blessing in the world to be a mom and to experience those wonderful moments. You sound like a Great mom and Conner is so lucky to have you and Ben as parents. Good luck with school!
You are so good at being grateful, I need to be more like that. Good job on the schooling, I think it's so awesome that you went for it!
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