
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

We are alive!

I can't believe it's been so long. I'm overwhelmed by what I need to post to be caught up- but I'll use this few minutes of free time I have to post that our lives are good. Ben interviewed for a job in Tennessee last week and it went very well! We will hear the official word in a a long wait but hey we're used to that. He loved it there and we both really hope this one works out. Cross your fingers and say your prayers!

The boys are both doing great. They both went to the doctor last week. Parker weighs 12 pounds and Connor weighs 31 pounds! They are both healthy and strong and doing GREAT! I am so proud of my sweet boys. Connor is talking so much more and has real conversations with me which is really entertaining and fun. He is in love with his Curious George toy which his dad gave him when he was born. He calls it "Gorge" like pronounced like the gorge you drive through to get to Nevada...ha ha. We love him and he is SO funny to us!

Parker is 3 months old now! Man time flies..and goes even faster when it's your second baby! Time went slow with Connor but it seems I can't keep up with life with this second baby! I don't know what I'll do when I don't have the help I have now- but I think I'm pretty well adjusted to what it's like to be a mom of two. They keep me on my toes but I do have time to myself at least a little bit each day! Parker is rolling from tummy to back but not back to tummy yet. Which is nice cuz we can still let him lay on the coffee table on his blankets and toy thing. He is almost giggling, trying so hard to get one out! He smiles A LOT and has the cutest little squint when he smiles. He coos and is for the most part a very happy pleasant baby. He screams VERY loud and has way more volume than Connor ever did! He really isn't a fan of the car and cries mostly when we have to go shopping. But he's a good eater which I am very happy about!

My boys love each other, and it always calms Parker down when Connor comes and gives him a hug and says "A-boooo!!!" to him which is what he sees mommy do. Parker also loves watching Connor play and it is the sweetest thing to see him watching so intently. Connor is a mimic and copies EVERYTHING we say and do. Recently he says "uh up" which is "shut up". We say this to the dogs when they bark...and he picked up on it. My sisters have him saying some other interesting things- but so far no swear words which is great. It's hilarious to hear him copy our every word as we drive in the car or whatever.

So here are a few recent pictures of our litte family! We are staying busy and loving day at a time!

"Ah done"...ok Connor just leave him there. It's fine.
My sweet boys
Poor bubba likes to scratch himself...
Parker has found his hands recently and LOVES to eat them! :)
Family picture
My baby and me! (check out ny hand in regard to story below)
Sweet boy with grandpa.
Looking at his toys
Some days this is all we see of Parker...the cry face. :) Hey we ALL have bad days yeah?
Connor and "Gorge"

Also a funny side story so I never forget...I lost my storage unit keys in my console of my honda. They kept falling further down there...since there is a little hole stuff falls into. Well long story short- my dad was pulling stuff apart and couldn't see them so he was giving up. I stuck my hand in a little hole in the back of the console...and it got STUCK. VERY STUCK. Like anxiety attack because we're going to have to call the fire dept. stuck. I freaked. We said a prayer- my dad said "Yeah I'll say a prayer after I stop laughing"...because it was funny at first. Then sad. Then scary! So in the end no matter what my dad did to get my hand out it made it tighter. So I had to scream my lungs out and just PULL. Well my hand was a hot mess. I should have taken a picture. (I actually just noticed a picture of Parker and me above shows a little of what it looked like) It had a huge goose egg on my wrist, and deep scratches and gouges all over my hand. I think I had an anxiety attack because I couldn't get a grip to save my life. It was sad. I cried three different times last week--thank you stress and hormones. But thank you hand for not having to be amputated! :-)



According to Ana said...

Good update! It would be awesome if he got a job in Tennessee. When we made our cross-country drive, Colin and I both agreed that Tennessee was the cleanest and prettiest (from the freeway)

Chanelle said...

Oh my gosh! Connor looks so big! That's crazy! Remy also loves sucking on his fingers lately. I love it :) I miss you, friend! I hope Ben gets that job!