
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby's first Christmas

Wow it is really hard to blog when you have a newborn baby at home! I only ever get on Facebook anymore because I can do that from my ipod touch while I'm feeding Connor. Still not skilled enough to do very much else yet! I'm getting there's starting to get a tad easier to breastfeed...although the pain is still quite intense at times. Christmas day I completely lost it and bawled off and on for half an hour while I fed the baby..I was in so much pain! He was latched on ok, I just had a really bad crack in my nipple...anyway it was awful. So I was crying to Ben saying I just didn't know if I could take it anymore...but after he finished eating and I was burping him I looked at his content little face and knew I could suffer a lot more if it were for his benefit. Good thing the Lord gave us the ability to love so strongly!!! I understand more and more every day the love of a's amazing!!! When Connor has to get his heel pricked or nose suctioned at the doctor and he cries in pain I can't stop myself from bawling!

Anyway...I've got lots of pictures...of's been a long time and with the holiday there's been many occasions picture worthy!
These are pictures of more visitors Connor has had...
He met his great-great grandma Woolsey and grandpa Woolsey so we got a five generation picture.
My mom's mom grandma Irene was on a cruise when Connor was born so she was excited to finally see him, we got a 4 generation picture...
Aunt Ashlee was finishing finals at BYU so she got to see him after 2 weeks.
And now Ben's family is here for the holiday break so they are getting to see him too! So fun!

I have a lot of great friends who have come to see little baby boy as well! My friend Mary came to see him when he was just a few days old, it's fun that she lives here!
Lauren and Jake came up on the 13th and spent the day with us, it was so relaxing and enjoyable! I never see Lauren, so it was a real treat!
Wes was able to stop by since he drives to Cedar a few times a week to go to school at SUU, and he gave Connor a cute blanket he MADE!! Thanks Wes!
My uncle Steven came over to see Connor one night and stayed with us for a delicious dinner my momma had made.
We were so blessed to have my mom here for a few days...she helped out so much and made me feel less alone in the whole mommy thing! Sometimes I felt like she was Connor's mommy and I was the helper because she already knows what she's doing and I'm still learning! Could also be from all the years with me helping her out with my baby sisters...but she was
SO great to have around! Love you mom!
Then there's all the random cute pictures I HAD to post, including Connor's first bath! I didn't get any in the tub with his boyhood covered, so there's more below of his latest bath...
Connor loves sucking Ben's thumb, being swaddled, and his sling. Those are daddy's specialties.
With mommy he loves to snuggle, eat, and poop! :-)
Connor also loves his swing in moderation. Depends on the day and the amount of time he is in there, but sometimes it really saves my sanity!!! He also had lots of cute Christmas it!

Next is the highlight of every December and I'm so glad Connor was born early enough to go to this party...only Santa got to hold him since he is still a little young to be passed around...but it melted our hearts and made mommy so proud to show off her little baby Santa! We have the Goodwin Christmas party every year and Santa comes to give us all one present! He is the REAL
Santa...we all love him!!! And this year Connor got a bottle from him..haha

Next is just the most recent pictures I took...his bath last night rocked his little world! We let him soak for about 10 was so relaxing! He just LOVES bath time!

More to come believe it or not....

I also need to add that on December 13th and 14th Ben sang with the Southern Utah Symphony for their Christmas Messiah concert! He had two solos and did a FANTASTIC job. Connor and I went to hear him rehearse once but didn't get to the show...too many people! So I'll post pictures of that later as well. For now my back hurts because I've done this entire post hunched over the baby who is sleeping peacefully in my lap! :-)

Hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

He is so cute!!! At first nursig was hard for me too! Have you tried the Lanolin helped me alot. Good Luck!!